On Thursday, August 11, 2016, Savii Care was upgraded to the latest version. This release includes billing unit and HCPCS code enhancements, a bi-directional billing integration with Quickbooks Online, enhancements to the Savii Connect app notifications, and billing enhancements with overnight visits, as well as a few bug fixes.

Addition of 1 Minute Billing Units

You can now set 1 minute billing increments to visit types, should your agency bill according to the exact time that is spent in a client's home. Simply:
      • Click on the Agency 360
      • Click on the "Admin" tab
      • Click on the "Master Files" tab
      • Choose 1 min as the "billing unit" next to each activated visit type that you would like to set to bill according to the exact time
NOTE: Keep in mind that if a HCPCS code has been chosen for that visit type, 1 minute increments will not be available for that visit type because the billing units for HCPCS codes are as mandated by Medicaid.

Addition of HCPCS code S5130

You can now assign HCPCS code S5130 to a visit type, as needed. Simply:
  • Click on the Agency 360
  • Click on the "Admin" tab
  • Click on the "Master Files" tab
  • Choose S5130 in the HCPCS code drop-down menu provided to the right of the visit type you would like for it to be associated with in the system 

New Bi-Directional Billing Integration with Quickbooks Online 

If your agency invoices out of Quickbooks Online, you can now establish a direct connection between your Quickbooks account and your Savii Care account, allowing you to invoice out of Quickbooks as well as keep Savii Care updated with regards to payments that you have received and entered into Quickbooks regarding those invoices. See the attached articles for more information regarding this feature: 

Not only do your caregivers get push notifications letting them know they have been assigned a shift or that they have a message to review in Savii Connect, they will now also receive push notifications indicating that their next assigned shift is set to start in the next 30 minutes, as well as a notification that their current shift is set to end in the next 15 minutes. This will help ensure that no assigned shifts go unnoticed or forgotten and that caregivers are kept mindful of time management with regards to when a shift should end. 

Increased Functionality with Overnight Visits

When you schedule a visit for a client that starts in the evening of one day and runs through the night to the morning of the next day, Savii Care will automatically detect that the scheduled visit has hours that are split over 2 calendar days once the visit has been confirmed in the Visit Manager and will separate those hours that were completed accordingly for those 2 days in the Billing Manager on the invoice, as well as in the Payroll Manager. (For instance, a visit that starts at 9pm on Thursday and goes to 6am on Friday will appear on the invoice as 3 completed hrs on Thursday and 6 completed hrs on Friday.) 

Bug Fixes  

Resolved:  An issue where referral reminder links that were being generated by the system were incomplete, causing them to be unusable.

Resolved:  An issue where the pick up and drop off locations associated with a scheduled visit were not viewable by the caregiver in the Savii Connect app.


Resolved:  An issue where Visit Details reports were not able to be generated in the Reports tab of the Client 360.


Resolved:  An issue where the invoice number was not displaying on the printable invoices in Billing Manager.

Resolved: An issue where the Visit Manager was not automatically converting the start and end time from the app for a completed visit into the billable time in and time out for that visit based on the billing units that are associated with that visit type.