When you log into the Savii Connect app, does a number appear above the envelope icon in the bottom right? If so, then you have that many messages in your Savii Connect inbox. To view these messages:

  1. Click on the envelope icon in the bottom right corner of the screen

  2. Click on the chat symbol to the right of a message to respond to it

  3. Enter your response to that message

  4. Click “Send Reply


Are you out completing your scheduled visits and need to contact someone in the office? Perhaps you just need to send a quick message to a specific staff member regarding next month’s scheduling or an issue you faced at one of your visit sites. You can also do that while logged into the Savii Connect app. Just:

  1. Click on the envelope in the bottom right of the main screen

  2. Scroll down to the orange “Send New Message” button

  3. Click on the “To:” box and choose a recipient from the drop-down provided

  4. Enter your message

  5. Click the orange “Send” button when you are finished and ready to send