There is 3 ways to edit a referral.

Update Status

Update Referral Status

There are 4 status' available to manage the referrals.

  • New
  • Pre-Admit
  • Contact
  • Unable to Contact
  • Non-Admit

To update the status of the referral

Select the referral you wish to update

Select the drop down list at the top of the referral detail screen

Select the updated status.  The status is automatically saved.

Edit Referral

To Edit or Update a referral, select the Edit button.

Add or change information.

Select Save.

Admit Client

To admit a client, select the Admit button.

When you select the Admit button, the data is automatically transferred to Client 360 Module and a Add New Client form displays.

The status of the referral in the Referral Manager is updated to Admitted.