Caregivers are added and managed within the Caregivers tab of the Agency 360, which is the first screen that displays when you click on the "Agency 360" navigational tab down the left side of the page.  To add a caregiver, select the "Add New" button towards the upper right of the screen.  There are 5 sections of a caregiver's file in Savii Care:

  1. Employee Info
  2. References
  3. Skills
  4. Schedule
  5. Payroll

The most vital tabs that have to be completed in the system, though, are the employee info, skills, and payroll tabs. Completing these tabs allows you to be able to schedule that caregiver to a visit that has been created in Savii Care, as well as communicates billing information to the payroll manager tab with regards to the visits that caregiver has completed. (See "WHAT SHOULD I DO FIRST BEFORE SCHEDULING VISITS IN SAVII CARE?" and "WHAT SHOULD I DO FIRST BEFORE CONFIRMING/ BILLING VISITS IN SAVII CARE?" for further details.)

1.  Employee Info

The Employee Info tab is where you can provide:
  • demographic information for the caregiver 
  • contact information for the caregiver 
NOTE:  If the caregiver will be using the Savii Connect caregiver app, a valid email (non-shared) must be entered into the Email field
  • access to the Savii Connect app for the caregiver
NOTE: The box to the left of "Savii Connect User" (located below their picture) must be checked; this will prompt the system to send that caregiver an email with their Savii Connect username and temporary password once you click the orange "Save" button at the bottom of the page.
  • a photo for the caregiver (as well as generate a badge from this screen if you'd like, as long as you've added a photo)
NOTE: The badge will show the company logo, the caregiver's photo, and their title. This feature is designed to be used with Avery Name Badge Inserts 5390.

2.  References

The References tab is where you can store all the caregiver's new hire documents and information in one place, should you need to revisit them at some point. Simply:
    1. Scroll to the name of a document you'd like to attach
    2. Click the orange "Upload" button to the right of that title
    3. Locate the file on your computer that you'd like to attach there
    4. Click "Open"
    5. A blue "download" button will appear to the left of the orange "Upload" button you just clicked. This "download" button will allow you to view that file that you just uploaded whenever you need it without having to go searching for it amidst the files on your computer or a amidst the papers you have filed in a filing cabinet.

3.  Skills

The Skills tab is where you can keep record of all special skills and trainings your caregiver has for future reference and the dates that those trainings were completed. 
IMPORTANT:  Select the appropriate "skill level" for the caregiver using the drop-down menu provided.  This information is critical for scheduling aspects within the system.

4.  Schedule

The Schedule tab allows you to create the caregiver's master schedule. If the caregiver is available 24 hours a day, you can set that level of availability, or if they only have certain time frames that they are available to work, you can set that, as well. Up to 3 specific time frames can be noted in the system per day for a caregiver.

Additionally, you can document in this tab which languages the caregiver knows how to speak, any zip code restrictions or preferences the caregiver might have, and any specific dates the caregiver has reported that they will be unavailable to work due to family vacations or scheduled medical procedures. 

5.  Payroll

The Payroll tab is where you can record the caregiver's:
  • hourly pay rate
  • the maximum hours the caregiver is allowed to work per week
  • the maximum visits the caregiver is allowed to work per day
  • the maximum hours the caregiver is allowed to work per day
  • tax withholding information for the caregiver

This tab is also where you can view the caregiver's pay history.