All visits to be completed by a nurse can be documented in Savii Care's nurse portal. Once a visit has been assigned to a nurse, that visit can be completed in the nurse portal on the day of the visit by: 
  • Logging in to (See this article to find out how to give a nurse access to the nurse portal.)
  • Clicking on green "Start Visit" button to right of an assigned visit


  • Placing a checkmark next to each component that is needed to be documented during that visit by clicking on the circle to the left of the components that are needed. The documentation components that are available within the Savii Care nurse portal are:
Initial Signup This section houses documentation with regards to:
  • the reason for referral
  • the client's current living situation
  • the client's functional status and place of service
  • the emergency plan in place
  • any advanced directives (such as details regarding a living will, durable POA of healthcare, DNR, and/or organ and tissue donation)
  • the client's medical history
Service Plan This section houses documentation with regards to:
  • ADL/ IADL tasks that are needed to be performed (and any associated notes)
  • the schedule of which days of the week and which shifts each task should be performed
Nursing Assessment This section houses documentation with regards to:
  • vital signs
  • pain management
  • medical history
  • system review (cardiovascular, respiratory, neuro/sensory, GI/GU, nutrition, mental/cognitive, musculoskeletal)
Fall Risk Assessment This section uses the STEADI tool to assess the client's level of fall risk.  Risk levels are defined as: 
  • Low risk
  • Moderate risk
  • High risk
For more information see:
Home Safety Review  This section houses documentation of the safety of the client's home with regards to the:
  • kitchen
  • bedroom
  • bathroom
  • entrance/ egress
  • common areas
It also houses a summary of the findings and provides space for any additional notes that are necessary with regards to any materials or plans that would be needed with regards to the client's safety.
 Depression Risk Assessment  This section uses the to assess the client's state of mind. Risk levels are defined as:
  • Low risk
  • Moderate risk
  • High risk
For more information, see:
TB Risk Assessment  This section houses questions and notes with regards to the client's level of risk for contracting tuberculosis.

  • Clicking on the "Continue" button
The visit start time is captured in the system once this button is clicked.
  • Entering any and all information from the visit within the provided tabs  

At the end of the visit, the nurse can set a follow-up schedule for this visit, as well as capture signatures, within the "Review & Sign" tab. Once the "End Visit" button has been clicked on at the bottom of that Review & Sign screen, the information that was entered into the nurse portal during that visit is automatically updated in the client's file in Savii Care.

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